Joy Ann Winistoerfer

Complementary Therapist Oda KT in Craniosacral Therapy:

My roots are in dance and acting, both of which I studied for about 5 years at home and abroad.

The real interest was always to look even more behind the scenes of human existence.

Intuition, mindfulness and listening to the language of the body - that is what has fascinated and moved me for years.

For over 17 years I now work as a hospital clown for children and people with dementia.

Subsequently, I developed a special program for chronically ill and traumatized children together with the Children's Hospital Zurich.

We accompany and support children and their families during interventions such as surgery inductions, blood draws or other difficult situations, helping them to focus on their strengths.

In addition to the continuous development of my clown projects, I have given interdisciplinary body therapy seminars and workshops at various institutions and congresses in Europe, learned hypnosis techniques and finally, in 2020, completed my 4-year training in craniosacral therapy with Rudolf Merkel at the Cranioschule.

In addition, I am an Oda KT certified Complementary Therapist and continue to study in the field of Complementary Therapy.

I am now happy to be able to accompany people of all ages in their individual process in my practice.


Cranio with Joy

Praxis für Craniosacral Therapie

Joy Ann Winistoerfer
Bellerivestrasse 21
8008 Zürich
079 602 41 55

Krankenkassen anerkannt. ZSR.K667263

Cranio with Joy © 2023